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Crispy Kurly Kale

A very simple healthy snack using kale and an easy way to get one of your five a day in. It is also a great accompaniment to pasta, fish, meat or salad.

Serves 2

.1-turn your oven at 180c...2-remove the stem from the kale and place the kale in an oven dish ,3- for 200gr of kale add 2table spoons of rapeseed oil and a large pinch of sea salt! And rub like massaging the kale till it absorb the oil and salt,,place in the oven and bake for 3 minite then toaste then around ,reapeat till golden crispy but dont over cook ,voila enjoy this healthy treat


  • 200g of fresh kale

  • 2 tbsp rapeseed oil

  • sea salt



  1. Preheat the oven to 180 deg C

  2. Remove the stems from the kale and wash. Place in an oven dish.

  3. For 200g of kale, add 2 tbsp of oil and a large pinch of seas salt. Massage the oil and salt into the kale.

  4. Place it in the oven for 3 mins, then take out and toss around and repeat this process until it is golden and crispy but don't overcook.

  5. Serve and enjoy.

Bon Appetit!

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