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Grill Fillet Steak Surf & Turf, wild garlic pesto cream potatoes

Grilled Fillet of Beef Surf & Turf

wild Garlic pesto Cream potatoes

by Le Skinny Chef

This is a simple way to make a delicious steak dish in minutes.

Serves 4


  • 12 raw king prawns, peeled and dry

  • 4 tbsp Le Skinny Chef Wasabi Dip

  • 8 large green asparagus chopped in 4

  • 4 x fillet steaks

  • 2 table spoon of vegetables oil

  • salt and pepper

  • fresh rosemary

Wild garlic potatoes cream potatoes :

350gr of potatoes puree , 4 tables spoons of Le Skinny Chef wild garlic pesto, 1 large pinch of grated nutmeg, 40 ml of cream , salt , pepper


  1. Marinate the peeled, dry prawns in 2 tbsp of wasabi dip.

  2. Blanch the asparagus in salted boiling water until al dente. cool down in cold water and strain and dry

  3. Prepare the wild garlic cream potatoes , peel and precook 6 medium rooster potatoes with a pinch of salt and water till ready for mash , strain and mash , add 4 table spoon of le skinny chef wild garlic pesto , cream , nutmeg and season to taste, reserve hot for serving .

  4. Prepare 4 skewers alternating prawns and asparagus and pan fried in a very hot pan. reserve hot for serving

  5. On a plate, rub some oil onto the steaks and season with salt and pepper and rosemary , place a pan on the cooker and let become reasonably hot.

  6. Sear your fillets quickly on both sides, cooking to your liking. Serve immediately on a tian of wild garlic cream potatoes , spread 1 tsp of wasabi dip on the fillet steak and place the skewer of grilled asparagus and prawns and serve

  7. Bon appetite


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