Grill Fillet Steak Surf & Turf, wild garlic pesto cream potatoes

Grilled Fillet of Beef Surf & Turf
wild Garlic pesto Cream potatoes
by Le Skinny Chef
This is a simple way to make a delicious steak dish in minutes.
Serves 4
12 raw king prawns, peeled and dry
4 tbsp Le Skinny Chef Wasabi Dip
8 large green asparagus chopped in 4
4 x fillet steaks
2 table spoon of vegetables oil
salt and pepper
fresh rosemary
Wild garlic potatoes cream potatoes :
350gr of potatoes puree , 4 tables spoons of Le Skinny Chef wild garlic pesto, 1 large pinch of grated nutmeg, 40 ml of cream , salt , pepper
Marinate the peeled, dry prawns in 2 tbsp of wasabi dip.
Blanch the asparagus in salted boiling water until al dente. cool down in cold water and strain and dry
Prepare the wild garlic cream potatoes , peel and precook 6 medium rooster potatoes with a pinch of salt and water till ready for mash , strain and mash , add 4 table spoon of le skinny chef wild garlic pesto , cream , nutmeg and season to taste, reserve hot for serving .
Prepare 4 skewers alternating prawns and asparagus and pan fried in a very hot pan. reserve hot for serving
On a plate, rub some oil onto the steaks and season with salt and pepper and rosemary , place a pan on the cooker and let become reasonably hot.
Sear your fillets quickly on both sides, cooking to your liking. Serve immediately on a tian of wild garlic cream potatoes , spread 1 tsp of wasabi dip on the fillet steak and place the skewer of grilled asparagus and prawns and serve
Bon appetite